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Personal Best Health + Fitness Challenge 2024

Feb 11, 2024 - Mar 10, 2024


This 4-week challenge will consist of 4 modules: 1. EAT FOR YOUR AMAZING BODY: You will receive a 30 recipe, four-week anti-inflammatory recipe pack and anti-inflammatory meal plan, with full macro breakdowns, detailed grocery list, an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle guide, steps for gut healing blueprint, detox methods cheat sheet, and liver detox guide. You will also receive a 30 recipe, four-week sugar detox pack with meal plans designed to boost your immune health. You will get a blood sugar hacks cheat sheet, sugar detox plan, boost your immune system health guide, electrolyte guide, and sneaky names for sugar list. You will also get advice on portion control, meal prepping and healthy food swaps. 2. DETOX YOUR LIFE We will learn the first steps in a proper detoxification plan, including the benefits of infrared light therapy, adding prebiotics and probiotics to your daily routine, switching to natural cleaning products and choosing natural body care. 3. POWER OF RESTORATIVE SLEEP We will learn the pitfalls of sleeplessness and explore natural remedies that will help you get a better night's sleep. This week you will also receive a 5-ingredient recipe pack where you'll discover a collection of simple recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats and smoothie options. 4. STRESS AND MIND/BODY WELLNESS The toll stress takes on our bodies and stress management options including exercise, the latest in fitness trends, massage, acupuncture, meditation, music therapy, and more. You will also get access to an app to track your fitness progress, keep a daily wellness and food log, and get access to our online group forum. You will be *encouraged* to take at least 3 Grit and Grace fitness classes per week. You will have FREE access to Grit and Grace classes ONLINE for four weeks. Upon completion, you'll get a discount code for 15% off your next 10 class pack or unlimited month of classes. You'll also get a chance to win a Griit and Grace hoodie.



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Personal Best Health + Fitness Challenge 2024

Personal Best Health + Fitness Challenge 2024

Private16 Members


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